“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” — Paul Brandt

Thank you Aunt Sue for bringing this quote to my attention. I love it! It’s wonderful, and sarcastic (or is that just me) and true, and fabulous, all in one awe-maze-tastic package. Love it, love it, love it. Of course to some extent I do this for every quote I find that perfectly fits the topic of the day, but sometimes you know, these things sneak up on you, and you just have to share how magnificent it is. Magnificent might be a little strong here…delightful? Delightful!

But back to today’s post. So there wasn’t a prompt for today, again. This blogging 101 challenge wants me to like, snaz (snazz?) up my blog, and like personalize the features and stuff. How dare they, right? And the Daily Prompt just didn’t strike my fancy. Which left me a little lost and drifting in the infinite sea of internet daily prompt websites.

I abandoned that path, and decided to write about something that did interest me. Which then meant my brain decided to forget absolutely everything that I found interesting. It acted like it had woken me up this morning, and as punishment for not immediately giving it caffeine decided to get rid of some files and make more room for storing lyrics of songs from the late-nineties.

‘Oh, you don’t need these files labeled interests did you? And hobbies? No one has those anymore. DELETE!’

‘Oh, look, words? You like being able to form sentences…hahaha. Not today!’

‘What’s this? It’s labeled important…hmm, whatever it is, it must not be necessary. BURN EVERYTHING!’

This went on until I gave in and drowned it in a latte. Thankfully, my brain had not emptied the trash folder, and I could just restore everything. So finally I had a topic for today’s post! Although it might be one unfamiliar to a lot of you. NaNoWriMo.

NaNoWriMo is a fun word to say. Try it, it’s pretty effing entertaining. But in case you want more information, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. Get it? NaNoWriMo. Hee. Fun.

Anywho, it starts on November 1st – a mere 22 days from now. That may not seem like such a big deal to you, but have you tried it? I tried it for the first time last year, and it is intimidating. Very much so. The goal is to have a novel by December 1st, at least 50,000 words. That means, with a little math, you need to write on average 1666.67 words a day. That is a lot of words. So far this post is only 446 words long. So like just under four of these a day, about the same thing, so that by the end of it you have a semi-understandable story.

Let’s just say that last year did not go well for me. I got so behind that it became impossible to catch up. This year that will not happen. Unless you know I start to hate what I’m writing and decide to switch topics again, like last year. Hopefully it won’t. That was just a terrible decision last year.

If you try to do it this year, don’t make that mistake. I don’t care if you wake up on November 20th and realize you are writing about a heard of cats fending off invading ferrets riding turtles with blueberries and peanut butter. Stick with Mittens and Spot and their crew for another ten days, you’ve almost made it. Plus, who doesn’t want to read that book. You can totally do that if you want, I have a different idea in mind. It doesn’t involve cats, or turtles, or peanut butter…I think.

And still here I am at only 627 words! There are over a thousand more to get to the daily requirement for NaNoWriMo. A thousand! I suppose I could go into a very detail description of the turtles and the cats and exactly how the peanut butter and blueberries are being used as weapons, but I prefer to leave something to the readers’ imagination. If I have to spell everything out, it loses the magic, doesn’t it?

On second thought, don’t take my idea. I may need that.

(P.S. I think my Word program had forgotten the difference between it’s and its. And it’s making me question my grasp of the English language….)